This week was another all-around beauty on Alphonse and St Francois. The neap tides slowly made way for the springs, bringing greater fluctuations of water on the flats. The weather was fairly stable, which made most days very pleasant for flats fishing.
Every season is full of great stories, and this week was no different. Angler Jorg W stayed over on Alphonse for a few days before a week of fishing on Farquhar and was eager to dive straight into fishing. One particular morning, Jorg set off for the surf at around 6:30 am in the morning; he was determined not to waste a waking minute of fishing. He noticed a large swirl on the surface next to him and made a short cast, instantly going tight with something seriously strong. Line peeled off the reel, and Jorg tightened his drag and had to apply pressure with his palm, leading to the infamous “knuckle sandwich”, causing some serious bruising on his fingers. This was all worth it as soon as he realised he had caught a monster GT. The beast came in at a massive 112 cm. Congratulations, Jorg, on catching the biggest geet of the week.
Angler Chris W is a veteran of the flats of the Seychelles. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on some of the epic fish that call our atoll home. He started his week nicely with some GTs. Then, on his second last day, it all came together magnificently. His day started with a beautiful 75 cm GT, staying black for the entire fight. A few hours later, he brought in an even bigger GT, measuring 80 cm. In the afternoon, he landed two moustache triggerfish, the bigger of the two measuring a massive 52 cm. After these four fish, Chris and his guide headed back to Alphonse, very happy with their haul for the day. However, the day wasn’t over just yet. Chris’s guide noticed a massive shoal of milkfish right outside the Alphonse channel. Within just a handful of casts, Chris went tight with a big milkfish. He put a heap of pressure on it and managed to land it in 10 minutes – very impressive stuff! The fish was estimated at being 100 cm, which is a giant milk. Well done on your epic flats slam, Chris!
The next day, Chris headed out with his eyes set on the holy grail, the last of the “big five,” a fish he needed to tick off his list. Chris did exactly that when he plucked a 45 cm permit out of a shoal of feeding bonefish. What an incredible few days of fishing, Chris!