Yesterday we broke through the 500 fish barrier with a catch of 48 fish including quite a lot of grilse. That is not to say the larger fish have slowed up. Our team landed 10 over 80 cms with most of them very fresh. The fishing season still seems a little late but so does nature. There are still a lot of lupins in flower and the Whimbrel chicks are still small.

The water levels are a little low but not perilously so. With low clear water and lots of fresh grilse a few people have begun to have success with stripping sunrays and hitch tubes. That is not to say when the air temperature is low and the fish are more docile we don’t still need to get down to them.

Certain beats are fishing better than others with Beats 2,3 and 4 producing consistency and beat 7 providing the fish also. Beats 8 and 9 are doing better now the grilse have arrived there and beat one is now producing a few grilse most sessions. It’s hard to judge how things will change as more grilse hit the system but our fishing rotation and draw should help everyone get a fair crack at the beats.

The condition of the fish has been a constant this year with solid deep fish even with the grilse. Short deep and solid grilse are a joy and put up a surprising fight in cold fast water. We have largely been fishing type 3 tips on Skagit heads or full float tips and skating when it suits. The water is clear so small Francis cones and 1/2 to 1 inch sunrays are about right. Some smaller flies such as 10s and 12s are also useful when sunny and clear water.

We are hoping the grilse continue to run hard over the next few weeks to provide sport and to stir up the pools that have resident fish in as they run through.


